
The Parks are ready

April 06, 36 degrees, and a light jacket...

the sky throwing snowballs
the Wind 'rounding third
fountains, pools, slides
all full of anticipation

Spring is coming 
the Parks are Ready!

and I am too!




We took a walk
she took a nap

we both enjoyed
the sunshine


Today, began with snow...

Today began with 
ended with 
sunshine, warm soup, fresh flowers,
and a movie.



Today I embrace the rain

Living in Montana is 

~The Light is unique~

Extremely long and gray
yet lasting, sometimes,
only several hours a day

Months of cloud cover
holding it all in
aching, frustrated
day after day

Why, then?
-you may ask-

Because when the Light
bursts and shines from this inexplicably 
big sky
Montana is nothing short of

Until those days,
when our sixteen hours 
of light
never seems like quite enough...

we look deep in our shadows
for beauty,
for Light.

a walk,
 Seeley Lake Montana


Six walks in 6 days

Today it was cold and rainy.
Which was perfect for me
I had a lot of catching up to do.

So when I needed a break, 
I decided I could take a walk
on my blog,
with you.

          Day 1 - Railroads and Reserve Street

          Day 2 - silhouettes and sidewalks          

          Day 3 - sunbeams and springtime

           Day 4 - graffiti and patina

             Day 5 - square pegs and tunnel vision

               Day 6 - bouncing and backlit

I see more clouds moving in...

I do love the rainy season.


Wallace, ID

As I finally catch up with
my Seattle trip posts,

It is rather appropriate, as March is at least trying to 
'head Out like a Lamb'...it is fun to remember 
Tuesday, March 1st...

~The Lion comes into Wallace~

It wasn't my first and it won't be my last
trip to Wallace.

History, rumors, stories and more...
oh I will be back.


The Light has come...


Changing Seasons
Changing minds, changing ideas
Changing lives.

Acting big, thinking small
Thinking big, acting small

...but today the Sun came out,
changing everything.

The Light has come.

and I am off to shoot a 
Wedding at a Ski Lodge!

Beautiful days indeed.


Like a walk in a garden

Living in the city,
I remember it comes with a lot of concrete, and stimulus.
These days I just visit the city life,
but when given the chance to walk through
an amazingly large, cool, quiet, serene

I always say yes.

a perfect way to end the day,
before heading home for pizza night!