
getting ready

As I head out for the first of those 
'travels' I spoke of,
I run around my surroundings 
checking my cameras...
are they ready for the trip?

This set is checking an old SLR with my ttv set up.

I always enjoy how a set of images
emerges from the day.
Sometimes it is the
spontaneity itself
that makes it cohesive.


out my window

Heading out to get some work done,
snaps from my trip.



even these photos,

Back alley secrets
Discarded and hidden
For all the world to see.
                        ~me (betsy dougherty)





  This morning I was inspired.
It lasted all day.

Man is free at the moment he wishes to be.


one simple day

Getting to know someone is not a task-
it is an Art.
~Pierce LeBlanc

1. the locker room where I swim 3 times a week.
2. Coffee with a wonderful friend.
3. Me enjoying a surprise afternoon snow shower.
4. My daily companion, Maxi, also enjoying the snow shower.
5. The only thing that really caught my eye.



Dreaming of travel

I am finding myself 
surrounded by wonderful friends
offering wonderful travels.

Which got me dreaming of 
past travels, and places unseen.




Yesterday I took a walk.
the sun was out,
the air smelled of Spring...


Valentine's Day

I tried something new this year...
I helped my Friends pass out
over 500 Valentine's notes and candies.

I was humbled, happy, and full of gratitude 
for the lovely world we live in.

Sorry for the lack of photos,
it was very experiential.

to Love.




never be afraid to get lost, 
you never what you'll discover.
and never hold yourself back from spontaneous day trips,
you never know what you may see.



a narrow view

Sometimes it just makes for a different
all together...





I had a wonderful time watching this group of
amazing people put their heart and soul
into rising up to the best they had within themselves.
It was artistic, poetic, and beautiful.
